"LUDAS" is an animated film that combines Taiwanese folklore with fantasy elements. The story follows a young girl, enters a forest to find her parents but meets Luda, a demon spirit. Together, they journey through the forest, encountering various monsters like the Mountain Scourge and Black Dog Spirit, overcoming dangers and forming a deep friendship. However, Laqi learns Luda's true motive was to capture her, leaving her to question her trust. Despite the challenges and the revelation of Luda's intentions, Laqi gains insights into the essence of trust and friendship, wondering if she'll ever reunite with her parents.
The immersive interactive experience developed for the "LUDAS" film employs advanced technology and innovative interactive design, primarily utilizing body sensing technology and the Unity engine. By capturing the audience's position through sensing technology and responding in real time via programming, this application allows viewers to directly interact with
Update : 07/19/2024