"Folding Harmonies" is an AudioVisual work created for immersive spatial experience. Drawing from quantum mechanics, it explores time's nature in the universe, illustrating the fluctuating behaviors of light to portray time as a flexible entity. A thematic continuation of a 2022 generative art piece, it employs light, shadow, and waveform undulations to depict time's expansion, compression, and extension, offering viewers a vibrant, multi-dimensional sensory exploration, challenging conventional perceptions of reality and linear time.
It investigates the intricate relationship between sound, light, and space, evoking a shared consciousness among its audience. Born from the ethos of generative art, this work deeply explores the connections between auditory and visual experiences.
Crafted with complex coding, 'Folding Harmonies' represents a shift in digital artistry. More than just two hundred variations archived on the blockchain, it is an evolving, dynamic entity. Each visual piece,
Update : 07/19/2024