“Local Projection Project” is a creative series initiated by artists CHEN Hsuan-Ming and HUANG Atz since 2017. Through the visit and investigation of the base and with the venue characteristics and visual design, it collages images with vessels, rendering dimensional variations and illusionary effects to unseal new imaginations. We paid a visit to the Xinpingxi Coal Mine by chance, initiating an exploration and investigation of the industrial relic and cultural asset. Meanwhile, we accumulated the physical experience of the climate and environment in Shifen. As we delved deeper, either through on-site investigation and mapping or interviews with veteran miners, the life experiences of miners have granted us unforgettable impacts. They were tensions in life as much as struggles with reality. The rich stories drew us to the place as we attempted to dig deeper into the memories of the times again and again.
Layer is a collaborative work with building projection mapping, music and dance
Update : 09/21/2024
2022/Taiwan/Local Projection Project _ Xinpingxi _ Layer