The Soaring Earth series consists of 12 episodes, showcasing endangered scenic beauty around the world. Brogent, using the highest imaging standards, has captured these wonders from around the world and brought them to everyone through the flying theater, revealing unseen beauty. Soaring Earth: Episode I – Africa took three years to prepare and produce. It was shot using four 8K cameras with 10K resolution, and is open for licensing worldwide and garnered interest from clients in the United States, Australia, China, and other countries. It is scheduled to premiere globally in flying theaters starting in July of this year. The film will be released in the universal format of flying theaters and will also be adapted into a 4D theater format to expand its licensing market and penetrate deeper into educational and entertainment domains such as zoos, museums, and large amusement malls.
Update : 07/18/2024
2023/United States/IAAPA Expo
2024/Thailand/IAAPA Expo