Global Professionals

Big Heart Digital Culture Co., Ltd


Institution / Organization Established:1992
New Media Arts
Game Design
Audiovisual (Film & TV)
Immersive Content
Big Heart Digital Culture Co., Ltd. specializes in integrating AI with psychological therapy technologies, developing scalable solutions for mental health. Our mission is to promote holistic well-being through innovative products and services. Our main products, "Secular Mandala Personalized Hypnosis Experience" and "Zleep - 3D Dream Voyage," use the UE5 engine and EEG technology to enhance mental balance and sleep quality. These immersive experiences support mental health and emotional balance, targeting corporate Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and the general market. We promote our products to companies focused on ESG and SDGs, collaborating with mental health service providers to integrate them into employee assistance plans. By increasing market awareness through exhibitions and conferences, we aim to widely disseminate our therapeutic methods, creating significant industry impact and advancing mental health.
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