- 【7/30 文化科技場域分享會】:分享會邀請到3家國外場域線上分享、4家國內場域現場介紹場域特色、對內容的需求以及合作方式(詳細場域介紹請見下方資訊欄位)。
- 【8/1 - 8/16 線上國際媒合會】:為讓國外場域方有機會和有興趣的臺灣創作者、製作團隊洽談合作可能。此活動邀請台灣的創作團隊提交作品資料,由國外場域方挑選符合其需求的台灣作品團隊進行一對一線上媒合會議,洽談進一步合作可能!(報名步驟,請參考下面報名方式說明)。
報名期間:2024年7月8日(週一)起至7月17日(週三)台灣時間 17:00 止
- 參加【7/30 文化科技場域分享會】活動者:請完成線上報名表單,
- 參加【7/30 文化科技場域分享會】及【8/1 - 8/16 線上國際媒合會】者,需同時完成線上報名表單 以及【臺灣文化科技內容】網站註冊,詳細流程請參考以下
- 時間:2024年7月30日(週二)10:00-17:00
- 地點:臺北文創大樓6樓D廳(台北市信義區菸廠路88號)
- 活動流程:
「双融域 AMBI SPACE ONE」位於台北101大樓5樓,是全臺首創以5G+4K技術的一站式技術展演平台,館內搭載高規格五面沉浸式投影、16.1聲道環繞式音場、5G企業專網、SI系統整合和智慧環控以及專業燈光等設備,提供觀眾深度的感官體驗。
E-Vision Laser 4K投影機:19台(16台用於沉浸區牆面,3台用於多元運用區牆面)
E-Vision Laser 2K投影機:24台(皆用於沉浸區地面)
沉浸展演區:全音域中高頻音響(HK PRO 12D):16台、重低音音響(RCF SUB 8004-AS):2台、重低音音響(RCF HDL-18-AS):6台
多元運用區:全音域中高頻音響(HK PR15D):3台、重低音音響(HK L SUB 4000 A):2台
多元運用區:滿版尺寸: 8000px*2160px
【臺灣/傳奇科藝文創園區-板橋放送所CLT Banqiao Tech & Art Center】
【臺灣/夢境現實 Moondream Reality】
夢境現實是全世界第一座 MR 沈浸式劇院。結合混合實境 (Mixed Reality) 與沈浸式投影,以科技推進藝術的界線,打造新型態的藝術場域,讓參與者在欣賞藝術的同時更全面、整體地投入,成為藝術的一部分。2021 年是夢境現實的起點,前所未見的感官體驗、夢境中才能實現的夢幻場景,都在這裡成為現實。
【5面4K沉浸式投影】:4面牆面總解析度3840*1840px、單面牆面解析度1920*935px、地面解析度1920*1920px、戶外體感偵測LED牆面 (解析度1850*1152px)、雷達感測器、雷射設備、杜比5.1環繞音響
【臺灣/紅然 _ Magic Box@華山 魔術方塊數位故事館 】
MAGIC BOX@華山是一個多功能的創意場域,位於歷史悠久的華山文創園區內,結合古典與現代的設計元素,匯聚了眾多創意人士和資源,為活動的策劃和執行提供了豐富的靈感和支持。地配備高解析度的投影設備和多聲道音響系統,可依活動類型自由調整場地空間配置,適合舉辦各種活動,如展覽、演唱會、記者會、新品發表會等企業活動,不僅擁有精通沉浸式體驗的技術團隊負責日常運營,更能在創意發想、開發製作以及實際展示的各個階段,協助合作的內容團隊和客戶以最佳方式呈現他們的作品。
【聲音輸出】:可用[2聲道立體聲 / 7.1 聲道(直通)]兩種音源。
【美國/沉浸式娛樂場館 Cosm】
Cosm is an immersive entertainment, media, and technology company redefining the way the world experiences content through pioneered technology that expands the realm of what is possible! Cosm opened its first venue in Los Angeles, California in the summer of 2024. The venue showcases a 26.6-meter diameter LED dome in a 65,000 total square feet facility that can hold up to 1,700 guests. Programming at the venue will include live sports and entertainment, experiential events and content, immersive art, music, and more. The second venue is coming soon to Dallas, Texas with more venues to follow.
內容需求 Content Inquiries
【Format】: Dome experiences.
【Genre & Theme】: Family oriented and music driven experiences are Cosm’s special interest at the moment. Though innovative experiences with diverse themes are considered.
【Notes】 Cosm is looking for existing dome experiences for its extensive network of planetarium and museum customers, and talented creators to collaborate with and create innovative experiences exclusively for Cosm venue.
【英國/威爾斯千禧藝術中心 (Wales Millennium Centre) 沉浸式展場 BOCS】
In 2022, Wales Millennium Centre, launched its immersive venue, BOCS - a dedicated space for immersive storytelling that changes perceptions and transforms minds. BOCS is specially designed to host XR and immersive experiences, and has worked with local and international XR studios and artists to premiere their work within a public facing venue.
內容需求 Content Inquiries
【Format】: VR, AR, MR experiences, Projection Mapping works, Installations.
【Genre & Theme】:BOCS often display communal works from under-represented voices, and always respond to world changing events. Also programmed in line with the Wales Millennium Centre’s exhibition and festivals.
【法國/新型態沉浸式娛樂美術館 mk2.Alt】
mk2.Alt (Art, Life, Technology) is a prototype of a next-generation immersive museum. Located in the heart of the mk2 Bibliothèque, mk2’s flagship cinema in Paris - ranked among the world’s top 20. mk2.Alt contributes to the emergence of a network of standardized, sober, and inclusive LBEs (Location-Based Experiences), fueled by exhibitions with unprecedented narrative, visual, and sound quality.
內容需求 Content Inquiries
【Format】: VR experiences (6dof / interactive), AR and MR experiences, Projection Mapping works, Installations, and Museum exhibitions employing technological mediums.
【Genre & Theme】 Cinema, art and music related.
【Notes】 mk2 is interested in engaging at all stages of content creation, from the beginning of production to already exploited content. mk2 is involved in the entire value chain of cinema (production, distribution, exhibition) and will do the same for immersive content.