BABY FROG is the second episode of the Immersive Criminology Series. This series, through each unique story and sensory experience, immerses us in the social crimes we may encounter around us. Continuing the fantastic and suspenseful atmosphere of the first episode, LOST, it takes us into another new story. This episode tells the story of a baby frog in a dark, dank secret cave, looking emaciated without his original bright, big eyes. he has been days since he last ate because his best friend, Big Frog, on whom he depended for survival, was kidnapped by the Kingdom of Giants and taken to an unknown and very dangerous area. One day, Baby Frog realizes that we are different from the other giants of this nation and asks for our help in finding Big Frog. We agree to Baby Frog's request and embark on this adventurous journey.
Update : 04/16/2024
Selection & Awards
2021/Mifa Pitches/Annecy International Animation Film Festival
2024/XR Development market/NewImages Festival